By joining SPSA, you will gain access to exclusive events with reporters, receive job posts before anyone else, travel to New York City to network, and meet new colleagues from across the aisle in a meaningful way. All Senate communicators are welcome to join.
The process is simple: fill out the Membership Form and pay your annual Membership Dues.
1. Membership Form
To join SPSA, start by filling out the Membership Form below. Once you pay your annual dues, we will add you to our newsletter distribution list to let you know about upcoming events and job opportunities. ​
2. Membership Dues
Membership dues are $45 per year, per middle- and senior-level staff and alumni members, and $25 per year, per entry-level staff members. Dues cover the current calendar year. You can pay your dues via Venmo. Easy as that.
Venmo: @SPSA-Treasurer